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Glyndon, Maryland
5 Beds 7 Baths 11,612 SqFt 261.44 Acres
Glyndon, Maryland
7 Beds 7 Baths 15,643 SqFt 244.63 Acres
933 Hillside Lot A Lutherville Timonium, Maryland
6 Beds 9 Baths 9,500 SqFt 20.75 Acres
1208 Scotts Knoll Court Lutherville Timonium, Maryland
6 Beds 10 Baths 12,477 SqFt 1.46 Acres
11042 Greenspring Avenue Lutherville Timonium, Maryland
6 Beds 8 Baths 12,661 SqFt 7.59 Acres
14111 Green Road Glyndon, Maryland
5 Beds 7 Baths 8,928 SqFt 183.81 Acres
6 Evan Way Pikesville, Maryland
12 Beds 17 Baths 32,349 SqFt 3.47 Acres
14921 Tanyard Road Sparks Glencoe, Maryland
4 Beds 7 Baths 8,290 SqFt 29.05 Acres
300 International Drive 2302 Baltimore, Maryland
3 Beds 4 Baths 3,100 SqFt
300 International Drive 2201 Baltimore, Maryland
3 Beds 4 Baths 3,115 SqFt
300 International Drive 2402 Baltimore, Maryland
2 Beds 3 Baths 2,545 SqFt
650 Ponte Villas S 137 Baltimore, Maryland
4 Beds 4 Baths 4,161 SqFt
1330 Lancaster Street C1401 Baltimore, Maryland
3 Beds 3 Baths 2,937 SqFt
801 Key Highway T-11 Baltimore, Maryland
2 Beds 3 Baths 2,958 SqFt
801 Key Highway 361 Baltimore, Maryland
3 Beds 3 Baths 3,800 SqFt
300 International Drive 2303 Baltimore, Maryland
2 Beds 2 Baths 1,685 SqFt
933 Hillside Lot A Lutherville Timonium, Maryland
6 Beds 9 Baths 9,500 SqFt 20.75 Acres
6 Evan Way Pikesville, Maryland
12 Beds 17 Baths 32,349 SqFt 3.47 Acres
3622 Anton Farms Road Pikesville, Maryland
6 Beds 8 Baths 10,733 SqFt 2.73 Acres
1310 Walnut Hill Lane Ruxton, Maryland
4 Beds 5 Baths 4,655 SqFt 1.17 Acres
1312 Walnut Hill Lane Ruxton, Maryland
4 Beds 5 Baths 4,000 SqFt 1.22 Acres
1330 Lancaster Street C1401 Baltimore, Maryland
3 Beds 3 Baths 2,937 SqFt
16746 Wesley Chapel Road Monkton, Maryland
5 Beds 5 Baths 4,360 SqFt 6.69 Acres
224 Sherwood Road Cockeysville, Maryland
5 Beds 5 Baths 5,195 SqFt 2.83 Acres
2212 W Geipe Road Catonsville, Maryland
4 Beds 4 Baths 2,160 SqFt 0.12 Acres
4122 Roland Avenue Baltimore, Maryland
4 Beds 1 Baths 2,923 SqFt 0.48 Acres
10120 Whitaker Way Parkville, Maryland
3 Beds 3 Baths 2,300 SqFt 0.06 Acres
9450 Davy Lane 466 Owings Mills, Maryland
3 Beds 3 Baths 2,580 SqFt
7405 Plainview Rosedale, Maryland
4 Beds 3 Baths 2,324 SqFt 0.21 Acres
7416 Campfield Road Pikesville, Maryland
3 Beds 3 Baths 1,696 SqFt 0.17 Acres
1646 S Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland
4 Beds 3 Baths 2,056 SqFt 0.02 Acres
5916 Greenhill Avenue Baltimore, Maryland
4 Beds 3 Baths 2,130 SqFt 0.14 Acres